The Homigot Sunrise Festival is a popular festival in South Korea that celebrates the first sunrise on the first day of the year, in honour of that festival we have created an event called Sunrises for Irene.
The goal is to create a worldwide wave of Baetokki/Reveluvs sharing pictures of their sunrises!
How? Share a picture of the sunrise in your country on the 9th on social platforms like twitter, instagram, facebook, lysn,... always using the hashtag #SunrisesForIrene !
When? the 9th of December right before Irene her celebration the 10th!

We hope to see many beautiful sunrises leading up to Irene day the 10th!
With much love
The Irene Support Team
I couldn't capture my sunrise today. So I'm leaving here my last sunset. I took this picture thinking of her that day.
#SunrisesForIRENE #아이린 #IRENE
Clouds ruined my sunrise today but its the thought that behind those dark clouds there’s always a sun shining