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Dear irene 2023 is going tobe your year . All your hard work is going to pay off you deserve it!


아이린 언니.... 주현 언니

Happy 9th Anniversary to the best leader and woman of this generation. Thank you for being someone who gives me comfort with your presence and words. Thank you for debuting and for being strong all those times. We might not know how hard it was for you, but i hope that we can see you smile laug, be carefree and enjoy more often now just like before. I want you to be happy and be successful because that is what you deserve.. I have a lot of respect to you as a person and as an artist. Thank you you for being you, and for being the best leader to Red Velvet. We're looking forward to BJH1. 언니 화이팅! We'll be here for you always


주현언니 😝✌
Happy 9HYUNtastic Years ❤🥳
Thank you for your hardwork, thank you for not letting go your dreams, thank you for not giving up, thank you for always being better as Joohyun and Irene, thank you for being best leader (i know being a pillar for 4 people is not easy), and thank you for making peace with yourself.

I am really grateful to know you in this world. I wish your life with much love and never hurt you again. I really really love your smile and laugh, so i wish you will show your much laugh and smile in the future. Wishing you always healthy and always happy.
Remember, i always got your back and always be there for you ❤

Hi love 💗
Thank you for being with me for all over the years, helping me keep going and focusing in my life. You're such a sweet and special person to me, I'm grateful for having the chance to exist at the same time as you, you're my whole sky full of stars. I love so much! ♥️♥️♥️


Irene eonnie, thank you for coming into my life so unexpected. Because of you and red velvet, i now have something to look forward to. Please, be here for a long time. The music keep me going. Your humor that keep me smiling. Stay healthy, warm, and happy, Joohyunie 🫶


Joohyuniee!! Congratulations for 9 years! You really did great job! and thank you for being my sunshine in the rain and my motivation. I'm always here to cheer you no matter what. We're hope Unnie will always be healthy and happy. 💗

To our Best Leader and Best Woman in our Generation thank you for being part of my life, I love you. 💗

Banana Ranger

Irene, aku sayang kamu.


Hi Irene unnie!!! You have no idea how thankful I am for your life. Thank you for your existence. I'm glad that I live for such a time as this, because I have come to know you. I love everything about you, and I will support you even in your next life. Please make more music. Thinking about BJH1 makes me excited and gives me reason to work hard. I only want all good things for your life! Whatever you want to do, I will continue to support you! Please stay happy and healthy! I'm sure you will make all your dreams come true. Although I have not met you in person yet, please wait for me. I'll make sure to see you this lifetime. Saranghae! 💗


JooHyun -ssi I'm a LATAM fan, since 2015 I have been A Luvie and a baetokki, pandemic brought new and scary Challenges in my life but in difficult times I found confidence and comfort on your words and your vlogs , maybe you dont believe that you are trully a reason for us to smile but you are, I hope you feel loved and safe with us baetokkis because we always Will be on your side, be brave be succesfull be happy but above all be who you want to be ..dream big aim High you are a star!!

Bae's Shadow selfie maid



Dear juhyunie, we will always be by your side and be your fan forever! #baetokkis forever #baetokkis4lyfe


I love you so much I wish that you're always going to be happy. I started stanning you last year, not for too long but you helped me a lot thenk you


Baeloved, never did it crossed my mind then that I will be this dedicated and loyal for someone. You help me discover that about myself and I am truly grateful for that. Jowain mo n ako please 😭. anyways, please never tire being you. For what you are is beautiful and oh-so-amazing 💝🫶


Hello Juhyun unnie, I don't like everyone on earth, but Juhyun is my favorite person in the world. Juhyun, a talented singer. I like Juhyun's singing. I like Juhyun's dance. Thank you for training for being better. Thank you for working hard for Luvie
I have never been wrong to love Juhyun. Loving Bae Juhyun is my pride. I will be next to Juhyun forever. Thank you for being Irene for letting us know each other. In the future, I will love Juhyun as usual.


Congratulations babe, it’s already your 9th years!! I wish all the good things in this world for you. Always take care of your meal, okay? You always tell us to take care of ours, so it also applied to you.. whatever may happens, just know that we will forever stand by you. Thank you for everything, I treasure you a lot. I think you might have save me back then so thank you.

dubuci :)

사랑하는 주현언니,
9주년 축하해요 <3 당신과 함께한 지 2년밖에 안됐지만 당신은 내 인생에 엄청난 영향을 미쳤어요. 길을 잃고 삶의 의미를 찾지 못했는데 지금은 주현언니와 함께 많은 기쁨과 동기부여를 찾았어요 :) 다른 많은 팬분들도 같은 마음이실거에요!! 너라는 것만으로도 이렇게 많은 사람들에게 사랑받는 거 알고 있어??!! 항상 Reveluv T.T를 사랑해주셔서 감사합니다 팬분들이 항상 자랑스럽고 응원하겠습니다 <33


Hi! Congratulations and Happy 9th Anniversary, our Bae Juhyun! I want to thank you for being my comfort for almost 6 years, just you existing made my life bearable. That is why I want you to be comfortable to us, to feel our love because that is what you deserve. You deserve all the happiness and love in this world because you have a wonderful heart. Continue doing what you love, I am here always to support you! I love you and I am so proud of you! 💗


Hi Irene, my madam 💗 thank you for keeping me sane. You're one of the reasons why im still here. Stanning you was the best decision i've ever made. You're such a loving, caring and one the realest idol i have ever known. I'm still waiting for your solo album, hoping for more solo activities. Your camping vlog and warhol helps me cope up with everything. Thank you for being my source of happiness and strength 🥺 Madam, I love you so so so much! I will continue to support you and cheer for you! Congratulations for your 9th years, thank you for your hard work. Please be healthy and take care always 💗 to many more years with you Joohyunie!


The first time I saw you during ice cream cake era, I knew, you will be the most special and inspirational person in my life. Through you, I learned how to be patient. You are the greatest unnie that I can wish and pray for this lifetime. Thank you for existing! I owe my 2nd life to you. You saved a 29 year old fan right here from misery. As what you've said, if you feel tired, take a rest and comeback to Red Velvet! YOU, and the rest of the girls are my HOME!!! Happy 9th anniversary, Joohyunnieee. I love you always, in all ways. 🐰🐰🐰


Lovey lovey lovey dovey dovey dovey


for my beloved 💗

thank you for fighting until now. I know it's not easy for you. many problems you face. but you made it through. I am proud of you. please always remember that you are not alone. the people around you really care and love you.

If one day I am no longer your fan, I will make sure not to forget you.

joowan 🐨

I never thought i can stan someone for years. I guess im really in love with bae juhyun 😍

BJH1 will come 👆


hi irene unnie!! I only met you in 2022, I know I'm new but I didn't think about it, All I know is that I will never see/meet you because you are the only one for me unnie.

I just want to say thank you for making me/us happy and for being an inspiration.

don't get sick unnie, and always eat, I want you unnie to always be healthy, and always smile, the smile that I can't see in others.

i always love you unnie, I will always support you, of course redvelvet too, I love you so much unnie.


juhyuneee!!! i can't even think of words that describe my love, admiration and proud of all that you consume over the years. I'm so lucky to have had the privilege of knowing you! every day i wake up well because I know that I have an incredible person to look up to and support, even from afar. these 9 years were built with care until arriving at the exact moment of 2022 – almost 2023 – and now, in your own right, you have become one of the most influential people in the world. know that all of us baetokkis will always support you and feel gratitude for everything you've done for us just by being that amazing person. I love you baechu, hope to spend another 9 "hyuntastic" years with you


Dear Irene
I love to hear you sing and watch your performance. And I also see the joy it brings to you. Thank you for being an inspiration to young girls around the world. Here’s to wishing to face the world with courage and fighting for our happiness!


Juhyun Unnie! I don’t regret stanning you in 2020. Every day is worth it. Fighting always!

the only

Hallo irene,
Irene I've been following you from the smrookies era. I was captivated by your beauty at that time. The more I follow you the more I know you are an extraordinary person. I hope you are kept away from bad people and I hope you can always be successful, happy and healthy.
We baetokkis will always support you 💝


Renebae unnie, Joohyun unnie. the one i called my love louder, please accept it haha. i love u like insane. thankyou for existing here. you should know that u help me alive, u bright my bad day. my whatsapp and phone's walpaper was your photos haha thankyou so much Joohyun unnie. please be happy and stay safe, we love you, deep down, now and till the end ❤


irene! i’m a relatively new fan as i only started following you and red velvet’s music around a year and a half ago but i don’t regret it one bit. discovering you was like discovering a part of my life i had never noticed, and you have taught me to be kind, caring and also stand up for myself. watching you perform and do your thing makes me unexplainably happy and grateful for you. i’m so proud of you and everything you do. here’s to 9 years, i promise i’ll spend the next eternity by your side. don’t forget i am always supporting from afar my joohyun 💗


I may not stan Juhyun unnie from the start, but it started when I saw a video of Irene hiding the tears because she don't want to make all members worry about her, after watching reality show level up, it's then I decided that I should protect and love her all my life. Her genuine heart and humble makes me a loyal stan to her. The voice of her brings calm to my soul and her high pitched laughing makes me happy too. If unnie is sad , I'm sad too and if she is happy I'm happy too . So lets be happy together in the future too . I can talk all day about her , how she makes me a better person and to never stop loving myself. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL 💗


To Bae JuHyun,

Our dearest sister you are so adorable. You come out to be the most wonderful and caring leader who always put member as top priority. As times goes by you always do your best to show who you are and what you can do. Thank you very for being an inspiration and kindly do whatever will make you happy. happy 9th anniversary to the best Leader ever Irene Bae.💓🫶💓


Dear Irene,

Congratulations on 9 wonderful years. I hope you see the love, support, care, and admiration you have from millions of fans the world over. Irene, you are an amazing inspiration for many of us. Your sheer dedication to be better, to consistently be the best is outstanding. But most of all, your love and care for all those around you, your co members, your fans, and everyone around you, this is one of your most admirable traits

I'm happy to have been a fan of yours as I believe you have been a positive I fluence in my life as I strive every day to be someone you can be proud of.

Thank you for being our wonderful Bae Juhyun 💗


Dear Irene,

Red Velvet's Amazing Leader.
Our One and Only Irene.
Congratulations for the 9 Hyuntastic years with you 🐰💗

Thank you for being a ray of sunshine to everyone. You've become my inspiration in many things. You're a warm-hearted person, Joohyun unnie.

From the bottom of my heart, I thank you, and appreciate you, the best woman of this generation! Let's be happy together~ 🎉🎂

🎶 My dear, my love, my best 🎶
I love you till kingdom come, Bae Joohyun.


뻔한 말이지만, 저에게 행복을 줘서 고마워요🌸 언니를 만나 저의 아무것도 없던 일상에 색이 배어 하루하루가 알차고 있습니다! 언니의 웃는 얼굴이 제가 사는 이유입니다. 앞으로도 언니의 행복을 바라고 있습니다! ずっと大好きですㅠ ̫ㅠ


Irene unnie, 주혀니 언니 ^^ ~ <3
thank you all of your hardwork and dedication for Red Velvet, for giving us, ReVeluv so much joy, amazing performances, and for just being you. :)
for always giving 100% in everything you do. There's a person like you, then there's ReVeluv whose very grateful for your existence. :)

the only regret for me was not being with you since the beginning, but don't worry, I promise i'll be here foReVer for you. to support you, stay by your side, and to making sure that you'll always have us, ReVeluv.

stay healthy unnie :) let's us be together for a really long time in the future too.💗🐰💗


JooHyun -ssi thank you for being so dedicated, you are an easy person to like with a beautiful personality, I love your voice and I hope you will release music soon as a solo artist, we believe in you don't stop chasing your dreams, I love you


To my life saver, Bae Joohyun. You came to my life unexpectedly. You became my source of happiness when everyone’s leave me. Your words gave me strenght to fight and be strong. Joohyun, you may not know us, but thank you for




Ms. Irene, it’s just- I look up to you a lot. Your voice, your dance, your personality, the way you react to things and carry yourself I love everything about you. You inspire me to be better you know..? And I wish and hope better things come to you. Things that belongs to you only. Like your solo debut, solo album, drama project, shows and more. May Allah gave you all the things you wished for yourself...I will root for you as long as I can! Heart you na...


First snow

Irene, I miss you.

I await your solo activities and schedule.

I hope there are more opportunities to meet you in person.

Thank you for existing. I’ll support you no matter what.

hyun’s baby

Irene from the time of sm rookies until now you are my favorite idol. You are one great woman, you are strong, you are talented, you are kind. I like you who look simple but elegant.
Irene let's be successful together, let's reach the dreams we haven't achieved yet. Let's keep spirit to get back to success!
Fighting 💞


Hi Joohyun unnie! I've been your fan since 2015,and I really liked you because of your beautiful voice and captivating charisma on stage. It's been 9 years and I just want to say that I'm so proud of you. Watching you made me learn many things, you are my role model and I want to be like you. I'm always praying for your happiness and success,and don't forget that you're fans are always here to cheer you on. Irene unnie let's be together forever! 🥰💝


9 years omg!! I didnt follow Joohyun since debut era but when I first fall into Joohyun, it feels like I need to fully support and give her all my best. She worked hard for us, she always do her best for us, and she always reminds us that she will always right here 🥺 my wish for Joohyun is always find your happiness, stick to what you love and don't let others tell you what to do💖 you're so precious Joohyun, we especially me love you so so soooo much 💖💖


Congratulations Irene for 9th years🥳🥳 Thanks for being my sunshine, hope you're more brightly in the future. Always healthy and happy as Bae Joo Hyun. We always stand by your side♥️

No matter what, you're the best for me🥰🥰 Love you, BJH nim💗🐰


아이린 언니.... 주현 언니

Happy 9th Anniversary to the best leader and woman of this generation. Thank you for being someone who gives me comfort with your presence and words. Thank you for debuting and for being strong all those times. We might not know how hard it was for you, but i hope that we can see you smile, laugh, be carefree and enjoy more often now just like before. I want you to be happy and be successful because that is what you deserve.. I have a lot of respect to you as a person and as an artist. Thank you for being you, and for being the best leader to Red Velvet. We're looking forward to BJH1. 언니 화이팅! We'll be here for you always


Dear our beloved Irene, congratulations and happy 9th anniversary!

I am thankful to be apart for 4 years and here’s to many more years to come! From the deepest part of my heart, thank you for being my source of happiness for all those years.

My wishes are for you to always find happiness in whatever you do and for you to be in good health.


Being your fan is the most honorable and thankful thing in my life. I can't imagine my life without your existence. The days when I was upset I always looked at you and regained energy to get up and fight for my life. Thank you for being Red Velvet, my happiness and energy.
Let's get on to the 10th and 20th anniversary or even 50th anniversary in the future. Reveluvs always got your back. Love you so much! Stay healthy and happy always~


Irene i love you so much, thank you for being the first ever strength i found to get through my tough times there's always going to be a part of my heart that only you can occupy. I hope you too have someone to help you get through your tough days i love you ❤️


IRENE unnie congratulations for the 9 awesome years. Let’s be together for many more years to come! I love you be healthy always and stay safe 💗


when times get hard, remember that there were always moments when you felt so much happiness and love after going through something you thought you couldn't survive.

baetokkis will always be by your side!



Before i know you my life so TT. I’m always down and regret at everything. My eng is so bad but i just want you know YOU SAV MY LIFE🤍🐰


Hi Joohyun unnie! Thank you for being the best leader and for being a hard working women in town. Your songs and vlogs inspired me through hard times since I'm dealing with some challenges right now. Being a college student is not easy but thank you guys! I know you didn't know but you helped me through a lot of things that I shouldn't give up. There's no forever but I hope this family we had can stay any longer no matter what, I'll stay on your side. I'll trust you Unnie~ I love you!!! See you soon ~


irene! i’ve only been a fan for just over a year but i’m so glad i discovered you and your music when i did. you have really helped me through dark times in ways i didn’t even know were possible, and even though we have never met, it feels like you are always by my side. thank you for being my role model and always inspiring me to do better 💗 nothing makes me happier than getting to watch you in your element and i’m so endlessly proud of you and your work! happy 9 years, i hope you’ll stick around for many more. thank you for everything you do, i’ll always be cheering you on even from many miles away and my love for you is everlasting 💕

via :)



Dear Juhyunee, you are such a heartstrong person and I hope that you remain that way til the end. It might be difficult, painful even, to remain true to who and how you are as a person but please do know, whatever path you will choose to take, we will always be beside you to hold your hand, and behind you to give you the push you need. 🥹💝


Annyeong my Joohyun unnie, please live well, anyways we will forever love you for a lifetime and a lifetime and accompany you through all paths whether difficult or successful. I met you, I love you and I will always love you till the end.


I first saw you back in 2016 through the Russian Roulette MV. It was you who I first noticed and since then I started following Red Velvet. These pandemic had been a hard time for me and I am glad and happy I have you and the members to help keep me sane. I will always love you and support you. You will never know how much you helped me, but you can count on me to support you always. I only wish love and happiness for you. I hope and pray you get to do all that you'd like to do. I will always be cheering for you.

사랑해요 주현아 🥰💝

juhyunnie's girl

I have known Hyunnie since 2020, I know it hasn't been a long time as other fans have been able to experience, however these few years have felt like years with her. Irene came along at the darkest time in my life and gave her that pink color that I love so much. I wish her all the best for her life, may she be able to accomplish all her goals and dreams that she still has in mind and that I know she will be able to achieve. I hope she is happy today and every day of her life, may that smile never go out and may that bright flame in her beautiful heart stay alive so she can keep giving all that love she has been giving to everyone around her.


I see me in you, you're such an inspiration.
I was captivated with the way you talk, bewitched with your action. I'll always cheer for you even from another dimension. Fighting honey bunny boo-boo 🤗


Bae Joohyun

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